Contact Info
Administrative Contact
Financial Officer
Specialization and Research Interests
My research spans laser material interactions, fusion plasma physics, spacecraft plasma environment interactions, space plasma thrusters, and space systems analysis and design. I am also interested in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives at MIT.
Teaching Interests
Throughout my MIT tenure, I have taught courses in space environment interactions, rocket propulsion, advanced space power and propulsion systems, space policy and space systems engineering.
Academic Degrees
B.A., 1976, Oxford University; S.M., 1978, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Ph.D., 1980, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Positions Held at MIT
Associate Department Head for Research, 1993-1996; Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1993-present; Professor, Engineering Systems, 2000-2015; Director, Technology and Policy Program, 2000 – 2003; Associate Director & Co-Director, Engineering Systems Division, 2000-2004; Director, Engineering Systems Division, 2004-2005; Dean for Undergraduate Education, 2006-2013; Chief Executive Officer and Director Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, 2014-2018, Aeronautics and Astronautics Department Head, 2019-2023, Associate Dean of Engineering for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, School of Engineering, 2021-2023, Institute Community and Equity Officer (interim), 2023-2024, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement (interim), 2023 – 2024, Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate and Graduate Education (interim), 2024-2025.
Positions Held outside MIT
Chief Scientist of the Air Force, 1997-1999; NRC Government Industry University Roundtable, 2000-2003; Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 1993-1997 and 2000-2009; Chair, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, 2002-2005; Chair, Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Lab S&T Advisory Panel, 2001-2010; NASA Advisory Council, 2001-2003; National Science Board, 2002-2008; National Academy of Engineering, Committee of the Engineer 2020, 2001-2006; Draper Corporation, 2006-2019; Board of Trustees of Aerospace Corp, 2000-2009, 2010-2019, 2020-present; Intelligence Science Board, 2010-2013; NRC Air Force Studies Board, 2011-2019; AAAS Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy, 2008-2013; Blue Origin Advisory Board, 2020-2024; Universities Space Research Association (USRA) Board, 2021-present; NASEM Division of Engineering and Physical Sciences Board, 2019-2024; Defense Science Board (2022-present); User Advisory Group for the National Space Council (2023-2025); AIAA President Elect (2023-present).
Affiliated Labs
Awards & Honors
Key publications
Uncertainty management for engineering systems planning and design Engineering Systems Symposium (2004)