Visiting Committee – Junior Faculty Home | Visiting Committee – Junior Faculty The AeroAstro Visiting Committee will be here on October 8-9, 2024 Visiting Committee invitation – Untenured Faculty Name * Name First First Last Last Email * You are invited to attend the sessions below. * I will be attending I am unable to attend any of the sessions I would prefer to attend: * in-person virtually In-person attendance is limited by the space, please be aware that you maybe asked to join virtually. Aeronautics & Astronautics Visiting Committee Agenda Please check the boxes to indicate the sessions you would like to attend: Tuesday, October 8 8:45 am: Opening Remarks – Chair Janet Wolfenbarger 9:00 am: Opening Remarks – SoE Dean Anantha Chandrakasan 9:30 am: State of the Department – Dan & Steven 11:00 am: Digital Education – Steven 12:00 pm: Luncheon – Junior Faculty Only 1:00 pm: Research Presentations from new faculty 6:00 pm: Reception & Dinner Wednesday, October 9 10:00 am: Sustainability Thrust- Lab for Aviation and the Environment Please indicate any food allergies or dietary restrictions: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.