Agenda — SpaceTech 2024

AI, Machine Learning, and Autonomy in Space

Wednesday, April 3

9:00am | Welcome
Steven Barrett, Department Head, MIT Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics; H.N. Slater Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics

9:05am | Lightning Talks
Moderator: Mark Munson, Program Manager, Small Satellite Collaborative, MIT

Improving Computational Efficiency for Powered Descent Guidance via Transformer-based
Tight Constraint Prediction
Julia Briden, PhD Student, Astrodynamics, Space Robotics, and Controls Lab (ARCLab)

Will the Algorithms Behind Changing Airline Ticket Prices Close the Business Case for Satellite Communication Networks?
Skylar Eiskowitz, PhD student, Engineering Systems Laboratory

Predicting Orbit Perturbations Using Machine Learning
Billy Kline, Masters student, Engineering Systems Laboratory; Space Operations Officer, U.S. Space Force

Optimizing the Design of Reusable Space Systems
Ryan de Freitas Bart, PhD student, Engineering Systems Laboratory

Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Edge Computing in Space for Advanced Satellite Missions
Rashmi Ravishankar, Masters student, Engineering Systems Laboratory

9:55 | Coffee break

10:00 | Keynote Address with Q&A
Trusted Autonomy on Mars: A Case Study of the Mars 2020 Onboard Planner
Dr. Steve Chien, NASA JPL Technical Group Supervisor, AI Group

11:00 | Panel Discussion
From Pixels to Planets: The AI Imaging Frontier
Moderator: Adriana Mitchell, MIT Astrodynamics Space Robotics and Controls Lab (ARCLab)
Mikhail Klassen, Senior ML Engineer, Planet
Victor Rodriguez-Fernandez, Associate Professor in Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid
Roberto Furfaro, Professor of Systems and Industrial Engineering, Director, Space Situational Awareness, University of Arizona
Rebecca Russell, Perception and Embedded ML Group, Draper


12:00pm | Lunch

1:00 | Fireside Chat with Q&A
AeroAstro Professor Kerri Cahoy and Greg Wyler, Founder, CEO and Chief Architect at E-Space


2:00 | Aerospace $10K Entrepreneurship Competition
Pitchfest for new aerospace startups sponsored by the MIT AeroAstro Certificate in Aerospace Innovation
Moderated by faculty colead Professor Zoltán Spakovszky, T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Aeronautics

3:30 | Coffee break


3:40 | Panel Discussion
AI for Peace and Security in Space
Moderator: Thomas González Roberts, MIT Astrodynamics Space Robotics and Controls Lab (ARCLab)
Dr. Brian Weeden, Secure World Foundation
Kaitlyn Johnson, U.S. Space Force
Jessica West, Project Ploughshares

4:40 | Keynote Address with Q&A
Autonomous Exploration: Days of Future Passed
Brian Williams, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT

5:40 | Lightning Talks Prize Announcements
Moderator: Mark Munson, Program Manager, Small Satellite Collaborative, MIT

5:45 | Entrepreneurship Pitchfest Prize Announcements
Moderator: Beata Shuster, staff lead, Certificate in Aerospace Innovation Program

5:50 | Reception