John J. Deyst

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Specialization and Research Interests
Information Systems for Aerospace Vehicles-The use of information and its management in modern aerospace vehicles, with particular application to Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). Control Theory and Methods- Control methods and devices as they apply to both aircraft and spacecraft. Modern methods for the design of robust control systems and their application to fly-by-wire aircraft. Modeling of human operators in closed-loop systems for evaluating pilot-induced oscillations and the design of modern cockpits to ensure safe operation. Fault-Tolerant Systems- All aspects of the design, analysis, and evaluation of highly reliable systems including fly-by-wire flight controls, digital engine controls, navigation systems, and avionics architectures. Sensors for Aerospace Vehicles- Solid-state sensors for inertial and other sensing functions in aerospace vehicles including micromechanical technologies for highly integrated flight control, pilot display, and navigation functions. Lean Aerospace Development and Production- All aspects of the development and manufacture of modern aerospace vehicles. Particular interest in the development, verification and validation of avionics hardware and software.
Academic Degrees
S.B., 1958, Massachusetts Institute of Technology S.M., 1962, Massachusetts Insitute of Technology Sc.D., 1967, Massachusetts Institute of Technology