Prof. Danielle Wood speaks at AAAS 2024.
Prof. Wood and Regina Barber of NPR's Short Wave podcast series.

Prof. Danielle Wood talks space sustainability and equity at AAAS annual meeting

Prof. Danielle Wood spoke as an invited lecturer at the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s annual meeting on Saturday, February 17. Her presentation, “What Does It Mean for Space to Benefit Everyone?” explored the question in the context of her work in the Space Enabled research group to increase opportunities to apply space technology in support of space sustainability.

Prof. Wood was also interviewed by Regina Barber of NPR’s Short Wave podcast series. 

“This year, 2024 and the next few years, is really a key moment in the transition of our role as humans within the cosmos.” says Wood. “We are going to start to do things that will have a long term impact on places beyond Earth.”

Prof. Wood also spoke with Science Podcast’s Sean Cummings talks with Danielle Wood about the sustainable use of orbital space or how space exploration and research can benefit everyone.