MIT Team selected as finalist in NASA’s RASC-AL 2022 Challenge
MIT’s team participating in NASA’s RASC-AL 2022 challenge has been selected as finalist in the Martian Water-based ISRU architecture theme. Their BART & MARGE concept relies on a fully integrated and mobile architecture with no fixed centralized infrastructure that is able to reliably produce large quantities of methalox propellant from thick ice sheets at the mid-northern latitudes of Mars.
The team members, Chloé Gentgen, Guillem Casadesus Vila, Madelyn Hoying, Jayaprakash Kambhampaty, Mindy Long, Laasya Nagareddy, John Posada and Marina Ten Have, with the support of their advisors George Lordos, Jeffrey Hoffman and Olivier de Weck, are working on finalizing their design, that they will present to NASA and aerospace industry leaders at the annual RASC-AL forum in June.