Faculty application process: panel discussion

The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT invites you to attend a panel discussion of the Faculty Application Process. The panel discussion will be on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 12:00pm, EDT. The discussion will be hybrid, with those able to attend in-person welcome to join at MIT in 33-218 (map address 125 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA). Please register at: https://bit.ly/3Y7wL2B to receive the Zoom link.
Job Posting details: Seeking candidates in any discipline related to aerospace engineering, broadly defined, though particular interests are in: (i) aircraft design, (ii) air traffic management (iii) decarbonization for propulsion, (iv) space systems, and (v) bioastronautics. MIT’s Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics is committed to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community. Candidates of all professional, racial, ethnic, socio-economic backgrounds, genders, and social identities are welcome to apply.
Questions? Please contact: Prof. Spakovszky (zolti@mit.edu) for search-related questions and Denise Phillips (dap1@mit.edu) for panel-discussion logistics questions.