For Current Students

Class Schedules
For updates, please visit MIT AeroAstro Course Listings where you will also find complete descriptions for each class. In addition, please view the descriptions of the AeroAstro special subjects being offered. Subject evaluations are available and accessible only to the MIT community.
For more information, contact AeroAstro academic programs administrator Marie Stuppard.
Graduate Forms
Graduate Writing Examination: All incoming graduate students are required to take the Technical Writing Exam during the first week of classes.
Graduate Math Requirement: All graduate students must fulfill the Graduate Math Requirement.
Graduate 16THG Requirement: All graduate students must register for thesis units (16 THG) every semester, including their first. Please see this document for more information.
PhD Quick Guide: A quick overview of the main points in the Doctoral Program Guide.
Doctoral Program Requirements: Program requirements are outlined in a booklet titled The Doctoral Program [PDF].
Field Evaluation Course List: Describes the acceptable list of courses for each field. When students are initiating their Qualifying Field Evaluation, they should consult the field evaluation course lists, as they are subject to change. Please be sure to reference the correct version of the course list and FE requirements based on when you matriculated into the graduate program.
Field Evaluation Course List (students who Matriculated Fall 2023 or later)
Field Evaluation Course List (students who Matriculated Fall 2024 or later)
Field Evaluation Initiation Form: Must be completed to declare chosen classes to be used in the Qualifying Field Evaluation process.
Field Evaluation Completion Form: Must be completed and signed by an eligible Ph.D. advisor to complete the Qualifying Field Evaluation process.
Doctoral Non-resident Status Petition Form: For doctoral students who wish to apply for nonresident doctoral thesis research status. It must be approved by the AA Graduate Committee, and filed with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Education one month prior to the beginning of the semester for which non-residency is being requested.
Authorization to Defend Thesis Proposal: Must be completed in order to begin scheduling the Thesis Proposal Defense, required of all doctoral students. It must be submitted to AeroAstro’s Office of Student Services ten working days (two weeks) prior to the intended defense date.
Graduate Advising Policy: The Graduate Advising Policy describes different roles in the advising of doctoral and master’s level students, describes the attributes of these roles, and defines those individuals who are eligible to fulfill the roles. While this is a document primarily for faculty, students will find it useful in the development of, and interaction with, committees and advisors.
Graduate Readmission Form: Should be used by graduate students who wish to resume a degree program after one semester of more of absence.
Academic Integrity Handbook: View MIT policies on plagiarism and producing original work.