
The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics has approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of physical space spread over 5 main buildings clustered near the intersection of Vassar St. & Mass Ave.
AeroAstro also has some research space in 32, the Stata Center (CSAIL and LIDS)
All AeroAstro access questions should be sent to aa-help-access@mit.edu
General Building Access is granted via your MIT ID after completing the Departmental required Emergency Preparedness Plan Awareness Training (EHS-404).
Lab Access is granted after the completion of whatever Lab Specific Training is required by the Principal Investigator (PI) in charge of the lab (ex. General Chemical Hygiene (EHS-100), Lab Specific Training (EHS-110), Managing Hazardous Waste (EHS-501). The lab’s EHS Representative will coordinate the training.
Visit Atlas to affiliate with your PI in the EHS management system and contact the EHS Representative in your lab for additional help.
Keys to Office spaces will be distributed by the research group, HR, or the Infrastructure team as needed.
Instructions for requesting office keys.
The Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is committed to promoting a safe environment for all members of MIT and surrounding communities by maintaining a cooperative and progressive working relationship with the MIT EHS office. The MIT Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office is responsible for the management and delivery of services that promote environmentally responsible practices at MIT, reduce MIT’s impact on the environment, and protect the health and safety of our community at the operational level.
Please visit the AeroAstro Environment, Health, and Safety website for information, training, and policies.
There are a variety of conference rooms, classrooms, and teaching labs throughout our buildings that may be reserved.
The rooms may be viewed on the Room Reservation page with instructions on scheduling a room.
Zoom Room Help