Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel Homepage
Meet the new Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel at MIT
Available for aerodynamic testing and research by academic, industrial, and commercial users

Nestled in the heart of MIT's campus in Cambridge, Mass., our state-of-the-art facility is a modern subsonic, continuous-flow, closed-return tunnel.
Our Key Features
- Maximum speed: 230 mph
- Test section: 7.75' H x 12' W x 18' L
- 8:1 Contraction Ratio
- Turbulence level: 0.05%
- MATLAB-based tunnel control and data acquisition system
- View detailed specifications

A Wind Tunnel for the 21st Century
In 2017, we began the process of replacing a nearly 80-year-old campus landmark. Today, we are the most advanced wind tunnel in U.S. academia.