These are links to the AeroAstro website that share important information about the graduate student experience in AeroAstro.
The following AeroAstro students are available to answer questions about the LGBTQ+ community
Annick Dewald
June Stenzel
Sydney Dolan
Alex Miller
Michelle Lin
Rebecca Jiang
she/her + they/them

The Queer Advocacy Space in AeroAstRo is a group for all members of the AeroAstro community that are part of the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. This group has two primary goals; to create a space where LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty can make connections in the department and improve the department culture around queer and trans-related issues.
Contact: Annick Dewald or June Stenzel

MIT’s LBGTQ+ Services
An Intercultural Campus Resource for Diverse Gender, Romantic, and Sexual Identities
View all of AeroAstro’s Student Groups

The Graduate Women in Aerospace Engineering group is a group for graduate
students who identify as women, transgender, and non-binary individuals and allies in
the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT. Our goal is to build a community and encourage relationships between our graduate students, our faculty, our undergraduates, and women’s groups throughout MIT. GWAE is a trans-inclusive group and welcomes individuals that identify as gender non-conforming.

The Queer Advocacy Space in Aero AstRo is a group for all members of the AeroAstro community that are part of the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. This group has two primary goals; to create a space where LGBTQ+ students, staff, and faculty can make connections in the department, and to improve the department culture around queer and trans related issues.

The Graduate Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (GA^3) represents all current graduate students in the AeroAstro Department at MIT. Our goal is to organize
social and professional activities to strengthen and enrich the graduate community and to help publicize various research activities within the department. We organize social hours, host talks by guest speakers and students, and advocate on the behalf of AeroAstro graduate students to the department and the MIT Graduate Student Council.

The department Resources for Easing Friction and Stress is a group of graduate students in Aero Astro who have been trained to help students navigate conflicts and myriad resources at MIT. We are a low-barrier resource: students may confidentially approach us about problems ranging from rent troubles to questions about switching advisors. In the past, we’ve helped students in one-on-one meetings as well as during weekly open office hours.

AeroAfro is a department-recognized community of Black graduate students.
The group aims to provide a network of students who can understand the particularities of being both a graduate student in Aeronautics and Astronautics and a member of the African Diasporic community. In particular, AeroAfro exists to provide a place where our shared heritage is celebrated, and a place where we can parse racially charged
experiences in the department, at MIT, and in the greater aerospace industry. This mission is put into practice by facilitating communication between the Black graduate students and department faculty, by fostering connections with Aero/Astro alumni, and by having organic gatherings a few times per semester.