February 2008, “Scheduling Takeoffs and Landings at Airports: New Approaches to Old Problems,” Operations Research Center Seminar, MIT.
January 2008, “Challenges in Next Generation Air Transportation Systems,” Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Madras), Chennai, India; also at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Dukkipati, Nandita, Tomlin, Claire, Mckeown, Nick. "Stability Analysis of Explicit Congestion Control Protocols" IEEE Communications Letters 11.10 (2007): 823-825. Print.
October 2007, “Airport Surface Movement Optimization,” PARTNER Advisory Board Meeting, East Hartford, CT.
September 2007, “Efficient and Equitable Departure Scheduling in Real-Time,” Meeting with the FAA Wake Vortex Program Office, Lincoln Laboratory, MA.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Chandran, Bala. "A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Robust Runway Scheduling" American Control Conference . (2007): 1161-1166. Print.
H. Balakrishnan and B. Chandran. “Efficient and Equitable Departure Scheduling in Real-Time: New Approaches to Old Problems,” USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, July 2007.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Roy, Kaushik, Tomlin, Claire, Hwang, Inseok. "Multiple-Target Tracking and Identity Management with Application to Aircraft Tracking" Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics 30.3 (2007): 641-653. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa. "Techniques for reallocating airport resources during adverse weather" IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) . (2007): 2949-2956. Print.
January 2007, “Runway Operations Scheduling: The Search for Efficiency, Equity and Robustness,” Lincoln Laboratory, MA.
Balakrishnan, H., Hwang, I., Tomlin, C. "State estimation for hybrid systems: applications to aircraft tracking" IEE Proceedings - Control Theory and Applications 153.5 (2006): 556. Print.
I. Hwang, H. Balakrishnan, and C. J. Tomlin, “State Estimation for Hybrid Systems: Applications to Aircraft Tracking,” IEE Proceedings on Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 153, No. 5.
April 2005, “Tools for the Analysis of Networked Hybrid Systems”, Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems, University of California, Berkeley.
I. Hwang, H. Balakrishnan, K. Roy, and C. J. Tomlin. “Multiple-Target Tracking and Identity Management in Clutter for Air Traffic Control,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, June 2004.
BALAKRISHNAN, HAMSA, Hwang, Inseok, Jang, Jung, Tomlin, Claire. "Inference Methods for Autonomous Stochastic Linear Hybrid Systems" ConfProc-Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control 2993. (2004): 35-48. Print.