

P. Forester, Precision Pointing for the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) Mission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2025.


L. Gallo, Silicon Photomultipliers as Free Space Optical Communication Sensors, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024.

C. Payne, Nanosatellite Hyperspectral Imaging Performance Modeling for Ocean Color Detection, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024.

P. Grenfell, Systems Performance Analysis for Autonomous Spacecraft Navigation within Satellite Constellations using Intersatellite Optical Communications Links, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024.

M. Chan, Toward Real-time Earth Observation with Satellite Constellation Crosslinks and Propulsion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2024.


R. Morgan, Germanium on Silicon Integrated Photonics for the Mid-Wave Infrared, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023.

A. Meredith, Applying Rotation-Equivariant Deep Learning to Cloud and Road Segmentation in Satellite and Aerial Imagery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023.

J. Chew, Evaluating the Use of TROPICS Pathfinder Observations for Lunar Calibration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023.

J. F. Harburg, Improvements to LEO Tracking on The Portable Telescope for Lasercom (PorTeL), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023.

O. Cierny, Sensorless Wavefront Correction Algorithms for Free-Space Optical Communications, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2023.


M. Dahl, Development of Structures and Methods for Safe On Orbit Robotic Assembly of Small Satellites, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

P. do Vale Pereira, Experimental Validation of Melt Probe Models for the Exploration of Ocean Worlds, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

A. Gagnon, Formation of RAAN-Spread CubeSat Constellations Utilizing Onboard Low-Thrust Propulsion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

V. C. Felt, Machine Learning Models for On-Orbit Detection of Temperature and Chlorophyll Ocean Fronts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

N. Belsten, Magnetic Cleanliness, Sensing, and Calibration for CubeSats, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

A. Aguilar, Multiple Simultaneous Optical Links for Space-Based Platforms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

S. Vlahakis, On-Orbit Characterization of a Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) Deformable Mirror (DM): Mission Results from the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) CubeSat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

A. Thieu, On-Orbit Pointing Risk Mitigation for the Agile MicroSat (AMS) CubeSat Laser Guidestar Payload, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

S. Kacker, Optical Performance and Prototyping of a Liquid Lens Laser Communications Transceiver, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

G. W. Allan, Phasing of Ground-based Optical Arrays for Space Applications, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

E. E. Uzo-Okoro, Robots Making Satellites: Advancing In-Space Manufacturing Through On-Orbit Robotic Assembly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.

C. Haughwout, Small Satellite Closed Ecosystems as Enabling Platforms for Low-Cost In-Space Biological Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022.


C. Roll, Decreasing Size, Weight, and Power of Opto-Mechanical Assemblies Using Single-Crystal Silicon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.

J. Gubner, The Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi) On-Orbit Analysis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.

C. Auffinger, Evaluation and Implementation of Augmented Reality for Aerospace Operations and Sustainment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.

R. Fitzgerald, Optimization and Characterization of Chance-Constrained Guidance, Navigation, and Control for Low-Energy Lunar Transfers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.

T. J. Murphy, RadioSTAR (Radio Spacecraft for Telecommunications Assessment and Risk-reduction): A 3U CubeSat for validation of ground stations and link budgets, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.

L. Halperin, Rotational Transformation Methods for Radio Occultation and Passive Microwave Radiometry Colocation Analysis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2021.


R. Aniceto, 100 Gbps optical coherent modem for low earth orbit optical inter-satellite links, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

C. Payne, Auroral arc detection using a COTS spectral photometer for the Auroral Emission Radio Explorer (AERO) CubeSat Mission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

P. Dave, Autonomous Navigation of Distributed Spacecraft using Intersatellite Laser Communications, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

Y. Xin, Coronagraphic data post-processing using projections on instrumental modes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

G. Gunnison, Development of the Electronics Architecture for a Compact Lasercom Fine-Pointing System, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

P. Grenfell, GNSS-Based Relative Navigation for LEO Nanosatellite Laser Communications, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

F. A. Fogle, Liquid Lens Beam Steering and Environmental Testing for the Miniature Optical Steered Antenna for Inter-satellite Communication, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

R. E. Morgan, Optical Modeling and Validation for the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

R. De Freitas Bart, Reusability Analysis for Lunar Landers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

K. S. Chun, Shape Memory Alloy Rotary Actuator for CubeSat Deployable Structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

J. Clark, Space-based laser guide stars for astronomical observatories, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.

W. Kammerer, Thermoelastic Modeling of the CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) Payloads, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2020.


A. B. Crews, Calibration and validation for CubeSat Microwave Radiometers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

A. Aguilar, Characterization of commercial step-down converter performance in the low Earth orbit radiation environment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

D. C. Reynolds, Control-structure interaction mitigation for NASA’s Gateway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

W. Grunwald, Decentralized On-board Planning and Scheduling for Crosslink-enabled Earth-observing Constellations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

M. Melendrez Contreras, Design, Analysis, and Control of a Nitinol Shape Memory Alloy Rotary Actuator for Spacecraft Deployable Structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

R. Geykhman, The Effect of Differential Color Refraction on Astrometric Observations of Solar System Bodies and Earth Satellites from Ground-Based Optical Telescopes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

P. do Vale Pereira, Folded Lightweight Actuated Position System (FLAPS) for CubeSat Deployables, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

B. Holden, Onboard distributed replanning for crosslinked small satellite constellations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

L. Yenchesky, Optomechanical Design for CubeSat Laser Infrared Crosslinks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

J. D. Schiller, Radio frequency interference and risk of damage for satellite servicing missions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.

A. A. Knoedler, Reciprocity-enhanced time-division multiplexed optical switching with spatial diversity for free-space optical communication links, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2019.


A. Carlton, Characterizing high-energy electrons in space using science imagers, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

C. Haughwout, Electronics development for the Deformable Mirror Demonstration Mission (DeMi), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

T. Nguyen, Fine-pointing system development and photometric precision assessment for the transiting exoplanet survey satellite, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

R. Diez, High-Performance Electronic Systems for Complex LEO Missions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

D. Barnes, Optomechanical design, analysis, and testing of the nanosatellite optical downlink experiment, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

R. Fitzgerald, Path calibration algorithms for many-aperture fiber-linked broadband hypertelescopes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

A. Kennedy, Planning and scheduling for earth-observing small satellite constellations, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

J. Kusters, A software-defined receiver for laser communications using a GPU, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

M. J. Long, Pointing acquisition and tracking design and analysis for CubeSat Laser communication, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

K. Riesing, Portable optical ground stations for satellite communication, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

E. Clements, Probabilistic methods for systems engineering with application to nanosatellite laser communications, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

G. W. Allan, Simulation and testing of wavefront reconstruction algorithms for the deformable mirror (DeMi) cubesat, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.

J. Louis Menezes, Use of isoperformance, constraint programming, and mixed integer linear programing for architecture tradespace exploration of passive Optical Earth Observation Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2018.


H. Yoon, Pointing system performance analysis for optical inter-satellite communication on CubeSats, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

M. Webber, Mapping exoplanet clouds and albedo from phase curves and spectra, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

M. Khatsenko, A rotary shape memory alloy actuator for CubeSat deployable structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

M. Lee, Optomechanical and wavelength alignments of CubeSat laser communication Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

Z. Lee, CubeSat constellation implementation and management using differential drag, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

M. Plyler, A machine learning approach to wind estimation and uncertainty using remote dropsondes and deterministic forecasts, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

C. Ziegler, A jam-resistant CubeSat communications architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.

A. Hein, A systems analysis of CubeSat constellations with distributed sensors, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017.


M. C. Pasqual, Experimental study of non-resolved active polarimetry for space surveillance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

A. D. Marinan, Improving nanosatellite capabilities for atmospheric sounding and characterization, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

J. R. Clark, Nonlinear optics for frequency-doubling in nanosatellite laser communication, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

J. Brown, ROAD : Rapid Optical Asteroid Detection, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

K. Gantner, Production leveling and cycle time reduction in satellite manufacturing, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

J. Byrne, Resource-constrained avionics design for CubeSats, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

T. Cordeiro, Dynamic instabilities imparted by CubeSat propulsion, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

S. Shea, Characterization of redundant UHF communication systems for CubeSats, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

W. Marlow, Improving attitude determination and control of resource-constrained CubeSats using unscented Kalman filtering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.

Z. Decker, A systems-engineering assessment of multiple CubeSat build approaches, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.


R. W. Kingsbury, Optical communications for small satellites, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.

W. Q. Lohmeyer, Space radiation environment impacts on high power amplifiers and solar cells on-board geostationary communications satellites, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.


E. Peters, Dynamic instabilities imparted by CubeSat deployable solar panels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.

M. Quadrino, Testing the attitude determination and control of a CubeSat with hardware-in-the-loop, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.

P. K. Davé, Using a co-located GNSS radio occultation payload for microwave radiometer calibration, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014.


I. Beerer, Modeling dispersions in initial conditions for air-launched rockets and their effect on vehicle performance, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013.

C. Crail, Ranking CubeSat communication systems using a value-centric framework, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2013.