Our Laboratories Home | Graduate Student Open House | Our Laboratories Laboratories & Centers Autonomy and Embedded Robotics Accelerated (AERA) Research Group Aerospace Computational Design Lab Aerospace Controls Lab Aerospace Materials and Structures Lab Aerospace Plasma Group ARCLab DINaMo Group Communications and Networking Research Group Computational Turbulence Group Design in Chaos Engineering System Laboratory Gas Turbine Lab Human Systems Lab Hypersonics Research Lab International Center for Air Transportation Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies Interactive Robotics Group Laboratory for Aviation and the Environment LEAN Research Group Model-Based Embedded and Robotics Systems Group necstlab Reliable Autonomous Systems Lab @ MIT (REALM) Robust Robotics Group Small Satellite Collaborative Space Enabled Space Propulsion Laboratory Space Systems Lab (SSL) Space Telecom, Astronomy & Radiation Laboratory (STAR Lab) SPARK Lab Wireless Information & Network Sciences Lab Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel