Y.S. Chati and H. Balakrishnan. “Statistical Modeling of Aircraft Fuel Flow Rate,” International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) Congress, September 2016.
K. Gopalakrishnan, H. Balakrishnan and R. Jordan. “Deconstructing Delay Dynamics: An Air Traffic Delay Example,” International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, June 2016.
J. Avery and H. Balakrishnan. “Data-driven Modeling and Prediction of the Runway Configuration Selection Process,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Vol. 2600, May 2016.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Khadilkar, Harshad. "Integrated Control of Airport and Terminal Airspace Operations" IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology [10636536] . (2015): 1-1. Print.
H. Balakrishnan. “Control and Optimization Algorithms for Air Transportation Systems,” Annual Reviews in Control, Vol. 41, pp. 39-46, 2016.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Ramanujam, Varun. "Data-Driven Modeling of the Airport Configuration Selection Process" IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems [21682291] . (2015): 1-10. Print.
J. Avery and H. Balakrishnan. “Predicting Airport Runway Configuration: A Discrete-Choice Modeling Approach,” USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Seminar.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Khadilkar, Harshad, Park, Pangun, Tomlin, Claire. "High Confidence Networked Control for Next Generation Air Transportation Systems" IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [00189286] 59.12 (2014): 3357-3372. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Ramanujam, Varun. "Increasing efficiency though flexibility in airport resource allocation" IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) . (2014): 1759-1766. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Ashok, Akshay, Yim, Steve, Barrett, Steven, Dedoussi, Irene. "Quantifying the air quality-CO2 tradeoff potential for airports" Atmospheric Environment [13522310] 99. (2014): 546-555. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Simaiakis, Ioannis. "Probabilistic Modeling of Runway Interdeparture Times" Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics . (2014): 1-5. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Hansman, R., Khadilkar, Harshad, Reynolds, Tom, Simaiakis, Ioannis. "Demonstration of reduced airport congestion through pushback rate control" Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice [09658564] 66. (2014): 251-267. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Rebollo, Juan. "Characterization and prediction of air traffic delays" Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies [0968090X] 44. (2014): 231-241. Print.
Balakrishnan, Hamsa, Hansman, R., Reynolds, Tom, Sandberg, Melanie, Simaiakis, Ioannis. "A Decision Support Tool for the Pushback Rate Control of Airport Departures" IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems . (2014): 1-6. Print.